Monday, December 31, 2007

This Weeks Prayer

This week thank God for the season He has you in, and for the grace to face every new adventure in your life's journey. When you pray for family, friends, and country, remember those among us who are persecuted for His Name's sake. Continue to pray for wisdom and protection for our president and other government leaders. Ask God to ignite revival fires throughout the world so that all may come to know Him. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. I Tim 2:1-8; Gal. 6:9

Monday, December 24, 2007

This Weeks Prayer

This week make spending time alone with Jesus a special priority. Put away the distractions and focus on Him for a while. Ask Him to help you order your life so you can enjoy His presence in the midst of the busyness and carry His love, joy and peace wherever you go. Pray for those in military service who are away from family and loved ones. Reach out to those suffering from the effects of recent winter storms, floods and tornadoes. Continue to pray that the gospel would spread to every nation so that there would truly be “peace on earth.” 1 John 4:7-21; Luke 2:8-14

Monday, December 17, 2007

This Weeks Prayer

This week pray for those around the world who haven't heard about our Savior or do not have a relationship with Him. Pray that the Good News will reach them and touch their hearts with the offer of His love and eternity through Him. Ask God to use you to help the hungry, cold and starving, with food, warmth and friendship. Pray for those who have recently lost loved ones through acts of violence at home and abroad. Continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, the persecuted church around the world, more laborers for His harvest fields and an unprecedented outpouring of His Holy Spirit upon the nations of the world. 2 Cor. 9:15; Luke 1:37

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Perfect Man & Women

Type into serch.

E-mail Change

My new e-mail is


1. The Bible will still have all the answers.
2. Prayer will still work.
3. The Holy Spirit will still move.
4. God will still inhabit the praises of His people.
5. There will still be God-anointed preaching.
6. There will still be singing of praise to God.
7. God will still pour out blessings upon His people.
8. There will still be room at the Cross.
9. Jesus will still love you.
10. Jesus will still save the lost.

Men's Support Group

WOW ! We continue to have monthly meetings in the area churches. Dec. 6th we meet at Browntown there were 12 men in attendance but these men are not the choosen frozen, they are on fire. Help us pray that God will bring more men to these meetings, they are filled with God's presence and His aproveal on what we are doing.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Prayer of the Week

Approach prayer with an attitude of gratitude and praise this week. Set your affection on things above as you pray His will concerning every situation. Ask Him to show you how to pray concerning our nation, Israel and the Middle East. Continue to pray for our president, congress and the Supreme Court as they make the decisions affecting our lives and the lives of our children. Declare the words of Jesus for God’s will to be done and His kingdom to come on the earth. Phil. 2:14-15; 1 Tim. 2:1-8; Matt. 6:10

Monday, October 08, 2007


David Martin is in Fort Payne hospital.
Lisa Harris Family. She past last Wed.
Eldridge Gilley
Matt Rose will minister at Sylvania High School Tuesday morning.
Frances Battles family. She past last Thur.
Angie Hall in jail.
Dewayne Sargent ministering to prisoners in Arkansas


This week ask the Lord for “godliness with contentment” which is great gain. Delight in Him as He unfolds His will for your life. Pray that the gospel would spread unhindered and that His kingdom of righteousness would be established throughout the earth. Remember to pray for our government leaders – President Bush, Congress and the Supreme Court. Include Israel when you pray for the peace and protection of our own nation. I Tim. 6:6; Psalm 91; Psalm 46

Monday, July 09, 2007

This week heed the call of God for intercessors to stand in the gap and pray for the nations of the world. Begin with our own nation and pray for the areas suffering from drought and those battling devastating floods. Pray that even as rising waters cause people to move toward higher ground, a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit would bring revival and cause us to move higher in Him. Continue to pray for our government leaders and the protection of Israel, our allies, borders, cities, airways, food and water supplies. Mark 4:39; Ezek. 22:30; Matt. 18:19