As we remember the events of 9/11 five years ago, pray that we would heed the admonition of 2 Chronicles 7:14 and humble ourselves before God. Pray for the upcoming elections and ask God to move His people to vote for the ones of His choosing in each state and on the national level. Continue to pray for the crisis in Israel, Lebanon and the rest of the Middle East. Pray that Iraq would establish a strong democratic government and solve its internal problems so that our troops could return home safely. Pray that God will work through you to bring His message of love and hope to those around you. Psalm 91; 2 Chronicles 7:14
After five year the pain and sorrow continues. Let us remember in prayer those families that lost loved ones on this day. May they be comforted by the loving touch of God's Spirit and find the grace to forgive and let go of any anger or strife. Pray also for those that are fighting for peace. Our hearts desire is for the peace of God to reign.
Adults in their twenties make decisions about everything from education to marriage, from career to kids. Their faith practices and spiritual priorities are also established during the formative years spanning ages 20 to 29. A new study by The Barna Group shows that despite strong levels of spiritual activity during the teen years, most twentysomethings disengage from active participation in the Christian faith during their young adult years – and often beyond that. To read this free report, click on the link below. Faith Practrices of Twentysomethings
I am Pastor of the Browntown Church of God of Prophecy. I grew up in Northeast Alabama and was blessed to have the oppurtunity to come back to my home church here at Browntown. My wife Chris and I have two wonderful daughters Tiffany and Caitlin.I hope you enjoy and are blessed by this blog. As for me and my house we will serve the Lord.