Saturday, December 03, 2005
Tomlinson Center Online
Tomlinson Center Online Classes Begin January 11, 2006. From Marvin Eskew - by way of Jeanette Rollins - Greetings,The beginning phase of the Tomlinson Center is now in place and we are excited about what the future holds for a new educational entity for the Churches of God of Prophecy. The advisory board for the Tomlinson Center unanimously agreed that launching the Tomlinson Center Online is the first step in the right direction. This approach immediately gives us global coverage and because we are partnering with Lee University we are also fully accredited from the very beginning. We have already sent applications to interested students in Africa, Spain, and many of the Caribbean nations.The first two courses will be taught by Dr. H.E. Cardin, overseer of Georgia, and Tim Harper, overseer of Indiana/Michigan. Dr. Cardin will be teaching Synoptic Gospels and Tim Harper will be teaching Pastoral Epistles. These classes will begin on January 11, 2006. All appointed ministry qualify for a 50% scholarship. This includes not only you as pastor, but any leadership in your local church of whom you have appointed to lead a ministry.Enrolling in the Tomlinson Center Online (TCOL) will sharpen your ministry skills for leading in the 21st Century church. After completing the program the student will be awarded a bachelor's degree in Christian Ministry. (If you already have some college hours, you can transfer them into this program.*) If you are not degree focused at this time, you will be awarded ministry certificates at certain levels of accomplishment. Beyond the recognition for work completed is the knowledge and insight gained as a student of biblical studies.To enroll in the Tomlinson Center Online simply print out and complete the application. Be sure to sign and date the application and then mail it to the Lee University address provided. The application fee should also be sent with the application.If you have any questions, please contact me by phone or email: (423) 559-5323; Scholarship with Spirit,Marvin EskewInterim Director Tomlinson Center*Transfer courses must be approved by Lee University. From the application, visit:
Prayer Request
Bishop Malcom Linkous and his wife
Hannah were in an accident yesterday,
sustaining critical injury. I'll keep you
posted as I receive updates.
Hannah were in an accident yesterday,
sustaining critical injury. I'll keep you
posted as I receive updates.
Neighbor's New Baby
Off To Class We Go
Were up getting ready to go to Collinsville for the evangelism class. They were right on time for what God had already begin bringing up in my Spirit. We was up last night preparing the lunch for today's class, its our act of kindness. Someone has been responsible each week so Chris and I chose this week. It is always a blessing to be able to do something for others, I want to look for ways to minister to all those the Lord brings into my path. Well I hope you have a blessed day and one other thing, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Men's Support Group
Wow! The first Thursday night of each month has proven to be a great time in the Lord for our men in the North Alabama area. We met at the Fellowship Christian Center in Rainsville this month. The men's support group started in August and the Holy Ghost has taken over in every service since. If you would like to be in a service with us, please contact me at and I will give you directions to our next meeting place. Men have received healing, both physically, mentally and emotionally. God will be their, what about you?
A Request for Prayer
I later received this letter from Bro. Nick.
Thank you for your letter.I need my friends prayers,as I am not well. Two days after I got back,I got the flu,and now is turned to pneumonia. Thank you for your prayers.
Please help me pray for this great warrior.
Thank you for your letter.I need my friends prayers,as I am not well. Two days after I got back,I got the flu,and now is turned to pneumonia. Thank you for your prayers.
Please help me pray for this great warrior.
A Letter From Nick Kladtis
>>Hello friends of missions,I am glad to inform you about the sucsess of a >dental group I took to Peru,from Nov 11th 2005 to Nov 22nd Nov 2005.They >provided free dental care in several centers of that country.My daughter >Christine kladitis Berger and three other Canadians who live and work in >Grand Cayman,Cayman Islands,payed their own travel expences,plus gave alot >of medecin vitamins and clothes to many poor people who could not otherwise >effort it.I prepared their itenarery,booked their travels within Peru by >plane,train,bus and boat in the heart of the Amazon.They provided dental >help without dental chairs,electricity or running water,many times.They are >to be comented for their friendliness,love care and generosity they showed >to so many people.>Most of their customers were our church people,in Indiana >Iquitos,Cusco,Paramonga,Piura and Sullana.Our Pastors helped us alot to >find comunity medical posts to see the patients and advertised the >events.In Piura,two of our assistance got sick with food poisoning and >could not come to work.When we got to the clinic there where alot of people >waiting,so Dr Thacker,Christine,myself and pastor Mauro,worked from 9.a.m. >to 9.p.m.until we saw the last patient.The doctor and Christine pulled >teeth,pastor Mauro was in charge with disinfecting the instrements,and I >was shining the flush light in the patients mouth.Lunch time sister Vera >and some other sisters prepared a lovely lunch for us,but no one wanted to >eat.we just ate a couple of crackers and continued working to the end.In >all centers,we had mostly dificult extractions,where peoples teeth were >rutted down level with the gum.They had to cut open the gum to get the >roots out.Every one received pain killers and a tooth brush.Also young >ladies came to have their front teeth extracted because they had cavities >and they were painfull.These teeth could have been saved if they were >treated and filled,but they said they have no maney for filling,so they >would rather have them extracted.Christine and Dr,Thacker gave them money >to have their teeth filled.The whole team were very impressed with the >contact of our pastors and our church people.At the same time our people >were very impressed with their love and generosity and promissed to keep >praying for them.>They promissed to do it again next year.>Nick.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Strong's Concordance
You can down load onto your PC or on a disc. Makes it easy to find the Hebrew & Greek meaning to words in the Bible. Go to It's free.
Keeping up with Yesterday ?
James Myers in "A Treasury of Military Humor" (The Lincoln-HerndonPress, Inc., 1990), tells an all-too-true story which comes from theAmerican Civil War. General Stonewall Jackson recruited a man namedMiles, who had a reputation as a superb bridge builder. Becausebridges were needed to be built or rebuilt quickly, Miles became avaluable asset to the army.One day, retreating Union troops set fire to a bridge and Jacksoncalled upon Miles to get his men ready to prepare a foundation for anew bridge. He told him that the engineers would have plans ready inrecord time.The next day, Jackson called for Miles and asked him if the engineershad given him their plans yet. "General," Miles drawled, "we done gotthe foundation built but I cain't tell ya whether them pictures isdone or not."There is a time for careful planning, it's true. But there is also atime for quick and decisive action. Miles seemed to know that theurgency of the situation required him to just do what needed to bedone.Our greatest obstacle to "doing what needs to be done" is not carefulplanning. Though many of us have admirable plans and worthyresolutions, we often simply never get around to doing what we havedetermined to do! We procrastinate. And unfortunately, we often missan opportunity to do something decisive today, for as Don Marquis hassaid, "Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday."Or maybe you have been thinking that you would like to procrastinateless, but just haven't gotten around to it yet. If so, perhaps thesewords will help: He was going to be all that a mortal could be...tomorrow. None should be stronger or braver than he...tomorrow. A friend who was troubled and weary he knew, Who'd be glad of a lift and who needed it, too, On him he would call to see what he could do...tomorrow. Each morning he'd stack up the letters he'd write...tomorrow. And he thought of the friends he would fill with delight...tomorrow. It was too bad indeed; he was busy each day, And hadn't a minute to stop on his way; "More time I'll give to others," he'd say..."tomorrow." The greatest of workers this man would have been...tomorrow. The world would have known him, had he ever seen...tomorrow. But the fact is he died, and faded from view, And all that he left here when living was through Was a mountain of things he intended to do...tomorrow.
Quote of the Month
With hurricanes, earthquakes, fires out of control, tornado's, flooding and servere t-storms tearing up the country from one end to the other, with the threat of bird flu, terrorist attacks. Are we sure this is a good time to take God out of our Pledge of Allegiance ? Jay Leno
Just a Thought.
Just a Thought.
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Another Look at America
Today we had a great time in the Lord. We had a wonderful S.S. lesson, then worship, it is always great to worship our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The message this morning was taken from Daniel 2:36 - 44 The dream of Nebuchadnezzar was interpreted by Daniel. His interpretation is of great importance for us today. It gives us insight into the time in which we live. In verse 40 - 44 Daniel describes the fourth and last Kingdom as the one that is ruling over all the earth when Christ will come back to earth. It is my belief that we are quickly heading toward the one world government that is described in scripture. The United States assets are being sold to foreign countries at the average rate of 100 billion dollars a month, according to Midnight Call Magazine. There are so many things going on at this time and many of them are directly affecting this country and speeding up the process of the one world government and the end of time. For more imformation contact me at
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