Friday, March 10, 2006

Azusa Street Centennial April 25 - 29, 2006

If you believe a deep spiritual awakening is the greatest need in America today.

If you believe that our heavenly Father longs for a new level of unity in His family.

If you believe that we are now being called to experience the power of the Holy Spirit in a fresh way.

Then Join us for The Spiritual Experience of a Lifetime----at the Azusa Street Centennial, April 25-29, 2006.
In 1906 a handful of believers in Los Angeles, California cried out for an infilling of God’s power. Their cries resulted in one of the greatest outpourings of the Holy Spirit in Christian history. What became known as the Azusa Street Revival sparked spiritual fires on every continent. Today, over 600 million believers trace some part of their spiritual root system back to the work of the Holy Spirit at 312 Azusa Street.
In 2006 believers from around the world will come Together Again. Once again we will cry out for God’s power to make a difference in our world. Together we will celebrate, contemplate and cry out for God's fire in a new century. The 100 year celebration of the most significant revival in Christian history will be a Once in a Generation moment. Don't miss it!
For a very limited time only your church can receive a special registration discount – register three from your church and bring a fourth for free! Or, register two for one at the red carpet Centennial Servant Leader level. Please hurry, we are offering this special only through Wednesday, March 14. Regular registration cost is $25/person for the entire week.
Some of the more than 200 speakers ministering at the Centennial include Rick Warren, TD Jakes, Kenneth Copeland, Jack Hayford, David Yonggi Cho, Darlene Zschech, Terry MacAlmon, Juanita Bynum, Ron Kenoly, Kenneth Ulmer, Ron Luce, Jentezen Franklin, and many more…

Prayer Request for Bro. Stanton Sister

Bro. Jones, Please remember my sister Shirley Stanton in prayer. She just returned from the doctor with some disturbing news. She had an arteriogram today and she has some blockage in her heart, but they are most concerned with a blockage she has in her leg. As you know she is a diabetic and they are going to try and remove the blockage next Thursday. If the blockage cannot be removed, they will proceed to amputate her leg. Roght now there is little or no blood flow in that leg and something has to be done. We serve a great and mighty God who can do anything and we are praying that this blockage will be removed. Satan is a liar and a deceiver and the Stanton family are tired of him attacking us physically. God has begun a great work at the New Haven Church and I know our day of recovery is at hand. Thank you and God Bless you.

Prayer Request

Bill's brother, J. C. Noe, is in Bessemer hospital with pneumonia. He has emphysema and is on the ventilator. Please pray for him. He got into distress last night and they had to put him on the ventilator.
Bill & Nita Noe

Beware Of Book, Conversation With God

Dr. James Dobson talked about this book twice this week. It is devastating and parents and Christian schools need to be aware of this. Do pass it on to church/ e-mail addressees. Parents, Grand parents, Aunts, Uncles: Please pay special attention not only to the what your kids watch on TV and in movie theaters and the music they listen to, but we must also be alert regarding the books they read. Two particular books, Conversations with God & Conversations with God for Teens written by Neil D. Walsh ,
sound harmless enough by their titles alone. These books have been on the New York Times best sellers list for a number of weeks, and these publications make truth of the statement, "Don't judge a book by its cover/title." The author purports to answer various questions from kids using the "voice of God". However, the "answers" that he gives are not Bible-based and go against the very infallible word of God. For instance (and I paraphrase), when a girl asks the question "Why am I a lesbian?" his answer is that she was born that way because of genetics (just as you were born right-handed, with blue eyes, etc.). Then he tells her to "go out and celebrate" her differences. Another girl poses the question "I am living with my boyfriend. My parents say that I should marry him because I am living in sin. Should I marry him?" His reply is, "Who are you sinning against? Not me, because you have done nothing wrong." Another question asks about God's forgiveness of sin. His (the author's reply) - I do not forgive anyone because there is nothing to forgive. There is no such thing as right or wrong and that is what I have been trying to tell everyone, do not judge people. People have chosen to judge one another and this is wrong, because the rule is "judge not lest ye be judged". And the list goes on. Not only are these books the false doctrine of devils, but in some instances even quote (in error) the Word of God. These books (and others like it) are being sold to school children (The Scholastic Book Club), and we need to be aware of what is being fed to our children. Our children are under attack, so I pray that you be sober and vigilant about teaching your kids the Word of God, and guarding their exposure to worldly mediums, because our adversary, the devil, roams abou t as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). And how many of us know that lions usua lly hunt for the slowest, and weakest and YOUNGEST of its prey.

Monday, March 06, 2006


A popular T-shirt reads, "Upon the Advice of My Attorney, My Shirt Bears No Message at This Time." Perhaps the counsel of others is occasionally heeded, but I know that advice is not something people crave. Which is why it is sometimes said that free advice is worth about as much as you pay for it. Or put another way: "Plain advice is free. The right answer will cost plenty."Our penchant for not wanting advice holds true across the generations. President Harry Truman once said, "I have found the best way to give advice to your children is to find out what they want and then advise them to do it."Nor is our aversion to advice just a peculiar sign of the times. As one boy wrote in an essay on the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates:"Socrates was a man who went around town giving his advice and opinions, so...they poisoned him!" What this student lacks in historical accuracy he more than makes up for in his sense about how well most advice is received. Not all advice should be discarded, however. Nor should we overlook wisdom from unlikely sources. Like the "uneducated." And the aged.I have a faded letter clipped from a newspaper many years ago. The author published some counsel given him by his grandmother who had died some 60 years prior, and who had never attended school. She offered it printed on a slip of paper, accompanied by the words, "All the advice you'll ever need to have a good life." I find it worth remembering. Here is what she wrote:"Wash what is dirty. Water what is dry. Heal what is wounded. Warm what is cold. Guide what goes off the road. Love people who are least lovable, because they need it most."Enough days spent refreshing, healing, warming, guiding and loving will add up to a good life, significant and well lived. Steve Gooder

Spring Is On It's Way At Browntown