Monday, June 26, 2006


You remember the story about the woman who shook her son awake in the morning. "Get up and get ready for school," she urged. "You're going to be late!""Ah, Mom," he pleaded "I don't want to go to school. The kids don't like me; the teachers are against me; even the custodian hates me.Give me three good reasons to go.""All right," she agreed. "It's 6:30. You're 45 years old. And you're the principal!"Every day we climb from bed, we decide how to face the day. Will we dread it or will we anticipate it? Will we resist it or will we welcome it? Few persons have made us as aware of the power of our attitudes as the late Dr. Norman Vincent Peale. In his book In God We Trust(Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1994), he tells about a woman he describes as "a nice lady," but "she got all tired out by eight o'clockin the morning. And she wasn't even out of her bed by then," he said. The problem was that she "lay there thinking of all the terrible things that were going to happen to her, how badly everything would turn out, how many problems she had, how many difficulties she had to face - and by eight o'clock, she was so tired she could hardly get out of bed."On the other hand, Henry David Thoreau used to lie in bed before rising and tell himself all the good news. When he arose, he was ready to meet the challenges before him. Attitude is everything! It is well said that "we cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust our sails."When you arise tomorrow morning, will you first adjust your sails ?

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