Monday, February 05, 2007

I'm Here But I'm Not All Their.

This year has been the most difficult time of my life. On Jan. 2nd my dad had a stroke and was in Huntsville Hospital for 15 days before leaving this walk of life. Then on Jan. 29 Brother Dellmer Boozer passed, I had known this man of God all my life. But God, is faithful and I want everyone to know that He has been with me and God is working a great thing in all of this. For the past 3 weeks my Bro. and his wife and girls have been with us in church, my Sister and her husband have also been with us. We praise God for what He is doing, and I thank you for your prayers, God has and is answering prayer.

1 comment:

Don G. Brock said...

We have prayed much for you during this time. Our hearts have been heavy for you. Not knowing what to do, we just had to trust that God would be with you. I am glad to know that He has.

(I like the Blog.)